Monday, November 21, 2011

Unstable creatures vs Plain dumb creatures Pt 1

Kevin Hart, love his comedy and I particularly love his joke about men doing dumb things. Kevin isn't saying that men are dumb, quite the contrary is true. I completely agree that we do a bunch of stupid stuff that we can't quite explain when we are confronted. But, we know exactly what we were doing even before we did whatever it was.

You see, men act in rationality as opposed to women acting in emotion(I will acknowledge the fact that there is an exception to all rules). I say this to say; when a guy gets caught doing something women perceive as dumb, the guy has already calculated the risks. The only reason men sound dumb when confronted is because for the most part they have not anticipated the conversation that will take place proceeding their move, or just didn't care about justifying their actions.

Take Kevin's joke for instance: he sat at the pool with all them "butt-naked women" around...STOP. Before he decided to sit there and enjoy the scenery he knew he would get fussed at, he KNEW! But it was worth it, we men are used to getting gripped at so it what's another nagging? He only sounded dumb becasue he didn't prepare for the subsequent conversation, quite frankly he didn't care to.

In ANY situation where you feel your man has done something stupid, just apply this logic. Men are simply logic driven. Most things men do are not emotioally grounded, and have no significant value to their life.

In the next post I will address the biggest question in the men vs women saga: SEX


  1. Hmm...I think men are emotional creatures as well, in an impulsive manner. They allow their desires to drive them and in turn FIND rationale to make themselves feel better about their choices. I agree it's fair to say a man knows what he's doing before he does it, but I think the same can be said for any female. I think the motivation behind the actions of both sexes is that they believe they won't get caught first and foremost. Secondarily speaking however, human beings take a lot for granted including the fact that if they are caught they will be able to convince the other person otherwise or make the other person stay whether they are guilty or not. I think a lot of human behavior is too complex to be simplified into men versus women categories. I think the overall encompassing factor is that we are all humans with primitive desires and logical process. We are very desire driven individuals.

  2. I can't help but to NOT agree with you. First, you contradicted yourself by saying men are impulsive, then turning around and saying a man does know what he is doing before he does it. Yes, ppl like to believe that they won't get caught, but a man 9/10 has already played out the scenario of being caught and has determined if its worth it. Your statement about human behavior being complex is very true, but it is as simple as man vs women. I don't use that as an absolute description however, the simple saying, "there are exceptions to every rule" is the reason I would never flat out say men are only this and women are only that.

  3. No contradiction. You interpreted my comment as saying a man knows what he's doing before he does it as being the opposite of impulsive behavior. They are not mutually exclusive. Even a person behaving impulsively knows what he's doing. The difference is whether the person fully understands the consequences of such actions. My point was that a mans emotions are often sexually driven as you've pointed out as well. As such they are AWARE that they are, to borrow your example, sitting at a pool full of naked women, so yes, they know what they're doing. Even though he may have initially acted impulsively to being aroused by a group of naked attractive women and decided to stay poolside, he was aware of what he was doing. The only way not to be aware of your actions, or to know what you're doing is to be brain dead. Lol. I think maybe your disagreement with my response is the fact that you seem to have a different understanding/concept of what impulsive behavior encompasses.
