Friday, March 9, 2012

Ain't no society for a broke nigga(Bumz Mansion)

First and foremost, the title is NOT intended to offend anyone. Its taken from the song "Thugz Mansion" by Tupac. I simply applied it to this scenario. I figured it would catch the wanted attention, hell! it caught my attention when it popped into my head. Now that I have cleared that up and made sure not to offend anyone with the title, I will proceed to pissing people off with the rest of this post....see you at the end.

The HUMANE SOCIETY(and supporters): Hypocrites

The base word in the word humane is HUMAN, the only thing human about the society is management. They don't have a branch that looks out for our down-n-out brothers & sisters in society. They only help animals; adoption, sad ass commercials during dinner, and even tv shows showing the abuse of animals and the fining of humans. I'm not for animal abuse in the least. I actually really like animals, and am impressed with personalities being displayed in a creature that doesn't speak the way I do. BUT, at the end of the day the animals don't/won't contribute half as much as a human can to the world.

On to the people adopting animals. I find you weak. To me it's a cop out, you won't go adopt a baby/kid because that's not something you can easily get rid of if things aren't what you hoped. A kid is for a lifetime, you know pets' life expectancies are far less than humans. Yea, you're sad when the pet dies but you move on. A human being is something different, that's a personality and life issues that you have to deal with damn near forever.

I bet you think I support Vick huh, sure do. He payed for his actions, but you weak asses won't let him live it down just because he was great enough to rise from it again. Who are you to keep judging him?? Let's go back on your mess ups back in the day and let's get mad at you all over again for it.

I just wanted to finally speak on pet lovers that don't love the next man half as much as they do Scruffy. If anything please give that bum the last change in your pocket next time you see one.

I do realize there are some societies that strive to prevent child abuse, but there isn't one whose sole purpose is that. There is no SPCA for humans thats all I'm saying.

Kony 2012....yup, me too

I guess it's only right that my first post of 2012 comes now, being that I love to question stupidity. And the last few days I have seen plenty of stupidity which has finally given me the inspiration to write something.

I don't know if the campaign is legit or not. I don't care to attempt to wrap my brain around the entire concept. The government does a lot of stuff we know nothing about, we as a people are on a need-to-know basis. Meaning they only tell us what they think we need to know or want to know.

We as people need to start developing a sense of discernment so that we aren't constantly bamboozled by...EVERYONE. It seems we are quick to jump on any cause that comes along. I'm willing to bet my last dollar that over 52% of ppl reposting the video or making statuses didn't even watch the video or research the topic. Yea, I said it.

Even that's not my main issue here, I've learned people are stupid and naive so I don't get annoyed anymore. I flat out despise the fact that AMERICA is quick to be in everyone else's business but can't/won't worry about home. The only shit we worry about at home is dogs, any wild animal, and any high profile sickness. What about the millions that are starving daily? What about the ones that can't get treatment for sicknesses due to minimal resources?

Naa, those aren't glamorous enough. You can't get tv time for helping the homeless man you pass everyday going to work. You wont get a tv series for saving humans like you will for saving hungry animals. Won't get a bunch of likes and retweets talking about helping that baby get vaccinated.

Don't give me that bs about some ppl are poor by choice and we are wasting tax dollars. Because if that's the reason we choose to fly all over the world and play captain planet that's morally wrong. We rather save our tax dollars but risk thousands of lives??? I have not seen one effort be achieved without the loss of a human life.

Moral: Take care of home first.

Friday, December 23, 2011

J's on my feet....OH YEA!

AlllllllllRIGHT! Clearly there are extremely opposing views on buying J's. Some say people that make a big deal about them are ignorant or irresponsible. The ones that are true fanatics of the shoe line defend it with a simple STFU! lol.

I don't stand on either side of the issue, my stance is on truth. The side that displays disdain towards the extra efforts in obtaining the shoes hold these views for a reason. I don't claim their views are 100% justifiable, but they at least have a great premise.

It is way more common for Blacks and Mexicans to participate in this "holiday," It is also just as common for Blacks and Mexicans to struggle financially compared to other races. It is common to see fresh J's on the feet of the financially challenged person, and more common to see dress shoes on the feet of the financially stable. Too often, we see people that are truly broke rocking the freshest pair of J's. No matter how you look at it, that is wrong.

My issue comes with the "down and out" complaining about how hard they have it, but they drop damn near $200 in one store for a pair of shoes. I have even more of an issue when people do it and negate their responsibilities. Hell drop your $200 and be broke, that's on you. But don't drop that $200 then can't handle your responsibilities to yourself and mainly your family.

I won't even speak on the crazy ish that occurred today. If anybody condones that, than you got a real problem.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Love is Love. Let the ppl do what the ppl wanna do!

Style is Style. sagging laws
Killing is Killing. murder laws, okay to kill certain animals laws, capital punishment laws
Sex is Sex. statutory rape laws
Sound is Sound. noise laws
Watering your lawn is Watering your lawn. water restriction laws
Drunkeness is Drunkeness. public intoxication laws
Survival of the fittest is Survival of the fittest. bullying laws, theft laws

Apply this logic to the rest of your life and see if it is okay to let the ppl do what the ppl wanna do. That's all I ask.

Love is Love: even if your child is 15 yrs old and is in love with-anybody-but more specifically someone that is 19+. You still hold on to that position about love is love and we can't put limits on it?

The intent of this post is to impress upon everyone to work on their debating skills. Too often people spew dumb punch-lines, and emotionally soggy opinions as premises for their arguments. These are called fallacies, they have no real support and will crumble with the slightest opposition of any rationally-grounded thought. If you have an opinion be sure you can defend it extensively, not with just one valid point. Just as you have a valid point there will be a rebuttal, and you need to be ready to further defend. Bye.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Big Bang AND God's Word....Late night thoughts of Cam and Rick

We all know there is a debate about how the world really came into existence; Big Bang theory vs the Bible, science vs religion. Matter of fact, the entire History of the World is not very clear. Well I am here to say that I feel both are plausible explanations when used together and not against each other.

It is human nature to put an explanation on what we see hence, science. When it is all said and done all we, humans, have done is put a secular tag/explanation on God's work in order to gain some kind of insight.

Cam and I sat down and chatted on this one night, and this is the start that we came up with:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Unstable creatures vs Plain dumb creatures Pt2

Women(generalized) do not have sex unless they have some kind of connection with the guy, this is because a woman thinks with emotion. The latter part of that sentence is an oxymoron; it is impossible to think with emotion, emotion causes you to react first then think. So, we will say women operate in emotion. Nonetheless, most likely if a woman has slept with a guy there has been an emotional drive that resulted in the partaking of the pants less dance.

The woman could genuinely have emotions for the guy in which she slept with. His charisma, how he makes her feel, time spent with each other pretty much lead to some true feeling. On the flip side there is a guy that is providing the complete opposite but he is the one that has her heart. However, her emotional starvation has driven her to find what she is missing at "home." Point is, she is operating from an emotional position.

Yes we are Handicapped

Men(generalized) do not hold such strict rules on sex because its an innate trait for us to calculate then move. Once a guy has the opportunity to have sex, he will not turn it down depending on the circumstances. Single guy with no obligations to a woman, will most likely accept the invite. A guy who is HAPPILY in a relationship will not.

The happily "married" guy won't partake only because he now operates partially in emotion, happy is an emotion. But he isn't solely emotional; he gets tempted but he thinks on, or rationalizes, what he has to lose and opts out. **There is an exception at the bottom**

Men are called dogs because they stick and move. Single men have no ties, and as long as there is opportunity there will be some sticking...then moving. Plain and simple.


All men can attest to this. There is an alter ego that comes over us when we are horny. It's quite unexplainable. When that urge has hit we still rationalize things, but our calculations get skewed tremendously. That whole "thinking with the wrong head" concept kicks in. The head downstairs sees things from below unlike the head up above. All it takes is for a woman to have one fraction of sex appeal, and she because DOable when the alter ego taps into play.

Once a man releases that umm...nut, he is clear headed again.

Scenario 1: Guy and girl get it in and as soon as he is done the thought comes, "why the hell did I do this." Its INSTANTANEOUS. At this moment he is trying to figure out how to leave or get her gone.

Scenario 2: Guy hits up girl and tells her to come over. While she is on her way he goes and handles the situation on his own. Soon as he is done he thinks, "damn! she is on her way and I don't even really want her over here!" Now, he is trying to figure out how to back out on her. But check this out...if she does make it over, at first he isn't interested. But let her touch him just right....a stroke session will break out and scenario 1 will occur.

Anytime a man does what women call dumb and sex is related...just remember he was POSSESSED.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Unstable creatures vs Plain dumb creatures Pt 1

Kevin Hart, love his comedy and I particularly love his joke about men doing dumb things. Kevin isn't saying that men are dumb, quite the contrary is true. I completely agree that we do a bunch of stupid stuff that we can't quite explain when we are confronted. But, we know exactly what we were doing even before we did whatever it was.

You see, men act in rationality as opposed to women acting in emotion(I will acknowledge the fact that there is an exception to all rules). I say this to say; when a guy gets caught doing something women perceive as dumb, the guy has already calculated the risks. The only reason men sound dumb when confronted is because for the most part they have not anticipated the conversation that will take place proceeding their move, or just didn't care about justifying their actions.

Take Kevin's joke for instance: he sat at the pool with all them "butt-naked women" around...STOP. Before he decided to sit there and enjoy the scenery he knew he would get fussed at, he KNEW! But it was worth it, we men are used to getting gripped at so it what's another nagging? He only sounded dumb becasue he didn't prepare for the subsequent conversation, quite frankly he didn't care to.

In ANY situation where you feel your man has done something stupid, just apply this logic. Men are simply logic driven. Most things men do are not emotioally grounded, and have no significant value to their life.

In the next post I will address the biggest question in the men vs women saga: SEX