We all know there is a debate about how the world really came into existence; Big Bang theory vs the Bible, science vs religion. Matter of fact, the entire History of the World is not very clear. Well I am here to say that I feel both are plausible explanations when used together and not against each other.
It is human nature to put an explanation on what we see hence, science. When it is all said and done all we, humans, have done is put a secular tag/explanation on God's work in order to gain some kind of insight.
Adam and Eve |
Before the world was created existence consisted of God, the heavens, and water. At some moment(won't say day because that wasn't established yet) God decided to create the world. Think of it as God was partaking in arts in crafts. Take it a step further and consider, the earth we live on just happened to be the final product. The planets that we know of could very well be creations that he just didn't quite like, or just the one that we exist on. I'm just saying, what if over on Jupiter they have their own Bible and views on how they came about, and they look through their own versions of telescopes at us wondering what's over here.
Nonetheless, our world was created. Big bang could very well be the human explanation to what God did. As powerful as he is, there would definitely be enormous levels of energy in which scientist notate in their studies.
We can't hold on to a rigid timeline for how things came about. We have taken in the notion that 6 days were used to create the world. I want to say days as we know them may not have been days to God. The Lord decided to create man because there was no one to tend to the land and govern the animals. We don't know how long it took him to come to that conclusion. This could have been YEARS. Hold that thought.

Dinosaurs what happened to them? There are many speculations as to how they just disappeared; volcanoes, asteroids, competition from mammals, continental drifts. I say all of them happened to the dinosaurs, we act as if the world was only as big as the US. All 7 continents were one land mass at one point, but that doesn't mean all parts of the land mass experienced the same living conditions as any other part. Maybe an asteroid did hit at some point at some location and decreased the dino population tremendously. On another part of the world dinos were battling volcanoes. Think about this, the nature of living is evolving. The dinos were superior to the mammals, leaving the mammals no choice but to evolve. With the right sequence of events dinos faded out and mammals thrived. Also, lizards and snakes are reptiles just like the dinos were, perhaps resources for such large creatures as dinosaurs were insufficient. This would give way to adaptation to the environment, decreasing in size in order to decrease the amount of resources needed.
Maybe this is an extreme over simplification, or maybe it is just simple enough to shed a productive thought on this matter. I'll toss this question in there; did humans and dinosaurs exist simultaneously? Maybe the rise of one particular mammal led to the demise of overgrown reptiles, humans.
Lucifer's fall from Glory |
Also, think about the fact that Satan tempted Eve, this means he had already been thrown out of Heaven even though it was not mentioned in the beginning of the Bible.Maybe at this point dinos are already dying off. We don't know exactly how large Satan was as a serpent, but we do know he had legs until God cursed him to slither on his stomach. Maybe he was THE last dinosaur.
God decided to create...stuff. That stuff seems to have appeared instantaneously, like a BANG. Satan and his crew probably didn't like that they had no say in any of the creations. God gave them the boot when they lost their minds and confronted him about it. Their exile appeared as asteroids crashing into the planet. A series of events stemmed from this profound event. The last days of the dinos, and the rise of the human just may have come because Adam and Eve succumbed to Satan's temptation.
Feel free to comment. We had fun coming up with this.
Cute story, but really just that... There is plenty of evidence to suggest that all that has happened in the past 4 billion years to the planet we call, Earth, occurred simultaneously to the billions of other solar systems that compose the extent of our understanding of the universe. To think that Earth is more important or considered higher on God's list of "What To Give A Shit About" is pompous.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you believe that humans are more significant than any other living creature? Wait, don't answer that - I have the answer: because WE formulated the hypotheses - hundreds of billions of attempts at explaining our origins have been submitted to the intellectual pool of information communicated through language, the development of which is unique because it has evolved with our species. Language as we know it would be impossible to create by a single organism, this collective process allows younger generations to be catapulted through the exploration phase that makes up a majority of a juvenile's life. This language allows for theories, the grey matter between tangible objects separated in time, and the only things that can't be disproven because there is no sure record of our 40 million year evolution period. Our specie's development of communication, allowed us to surpass other genera, both extant and extinct - We are taught from day 1 through our 14 (now 18-35) year maturation period, all of the trial and error attempts at survival in a hostile environment: fire is hot, water can't be breathed, etc. In the meantime, we developed self worth and had the time to contemplate our existence and then communicate these theories to others with relatively the same understanding of language. The meer process of having nothing better to do developed religion, science, and philosophy. This process occurred concurrently in many societies far removed from one another after the exodus of Homo sapiens from Africa. Exploration of the things that surround us are inherently homo-centric - developed from impact on human origin and existence; therefore, it is only natural to assume that God favors humans, how convenient. Newsflash: We aren't the only creatures to build cities, develop technology, or even have wars. Insects are capable of all of this, and with positive impact on the environment!
About the dinosaurs: probably warm blooded, and more closely related to birds than reptiles. Their immense size could not be supported by an open circulatory system and would need aerobic respiration to generate the energy needed to migrate, hunt, and form social communities. The Yucatan Peninsula is believed to be the impact point of the meteor that induced a nuclear winter which wiped out photosynthetic organisms and consequently dinosaurs by the compounding effect of wiping out producers and disrupting the food chain. It is unlikely that humans existed with dinosaurs; carbon dating supports this.
As for the fall of Lucifer, the bringer of light, ever think that might be the Big Bang? The meer casting of the angel from God's realm created ours? I know, I'm contradicting myself - how can I argue against the development of religion as a culmination of theory and then use it to explain a proposed scientific phenomenon? I'm illustrating the point that we are all capable of orignal thought, and only through convincing and line drawing are we able to make theories reality.
Final point: I appreciate you communicating your thoughts in a public venue, this is the very reason we have debate and develop community. Life's struggle shouldn't be an unveiling process to answer the question of our existence - it's a discovery process to maximize your individual potential and that of your progeny. Teach them well so they respect that everything has value, and that our species is not the most valued.
First, thank you for your comment especially since it is the first one. I also am glad that you can appreciate what I am attempting here, we both share the same thoughts about debating. I never turndown opposition as I am always hoping to learn, as well as possibly enlighten others.
ReplyDeleteNow, I will address each point that you presented:
I don't claim to know much about either topic, but I think I have a decent enough knowledge base to draw an educated thought on them. With that said, I don't think it is safe to claim that there is "plenty of evidence" concerning other solar systems. It is to my understanding that we are simply bound to only observe other systems due to the shear distance between ours and those. Do we have tangible evidence like fossils and samples of the different layers of "earth" from planets in other solar systems? I would imagine we don't. Also, no where in my post did I claim God holds Earth above anything else. In fact, I through in the idea that it is quite possible that the exact same conclusions and debates just might be going on on other planets. With that thought; even if everything that has happened to earth happened simultaneously to other systems it would still support the notion that God created other "Earths," and we simply only have knowledge of our own.
Where in the post did I suggest that humans are more significant? Are you referenceing the part where I mentioned God created man to govern the animals and tend to the land? That doesn't suggest we are more important, it merely assigns humans their part in society/nature. All things have a purpose. I agree about humans not being the only species capable of sophistication, however; we are the species that has evolved in a way that ensures we have control.
Birds have actually recently been proven to be reptiles, as they may have evolved from small two-legged dinos. It seems as if you may have supported my thoughts on size vs resources. Correct me if I misread that. As far as the meteor, are you suggesting that it created a strong enough force to wipe-out the entire world? I would say it affected a huge area, but not the entire land mass. I do believe there is evidence of fossils from lava, an extreme opposite of a frozen tundra. The world is huge, it is okay to be open to the idea that more than one catastrophe occurred resulting in the demise of dinos.
You say carbon dating supports the notion that humans did not exist during the dino age, I can accept that. But it doesn't rule out the thought that Lucifer/Satan may have been a direct descendent, and became the last of the sort.
My grounds for not accepting Lucifer's excile as the Big Bang is the Bible illustrates the creation of the Earth. That illustration depicts God's intent to create. The Big Bang suggests things just happened.
I denounce neither science nor religion. Humans like tangible facts, that is the reason we have science. But science is no more than an attempt to explain God's work with numbers. Humans have a hard time accepting things that we don't see or can't explain. Once, again thanks for your response.
Excellent response LordByron. I especially love the last paragraph where you recap that you can accept both science and religion. And I think the thing that makes humans/earth "more important" than other planets is that WE EXIST. In all the science that exists I've yet to hear of another planet sustaining life. While some planets may be compatible for human sustainability as well, I don't believe it's actually been proven that humans are anywhere else. So "pompous" as that may be I think it's a pretty incredible feat and someone obviously spent a bit more time designing our ecosystem and our genetic structures. But it could just be me... Lol