For the last decade or so there has been an outbreak of self-proclaimed realness. We have all heard some one say "I keep it real," maybe "I keep it all the way real," for you math wizards "I keep it 100." All of these we derived from the classic "on everything I love" phrase. The intent of such phrases is to gain the listeners' trust and respect. I have no issue with this at all, in fact, I appreciate someone being considerate enough of me to assure me that they won't lie to me...THANK YOU!
I'm sure everyone has seen the Dave Chappelle skit When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong. Well, we are currently living that skit. The unfortunate thing about it is, no one is actually suffering the consequences of keeping it real. What do I mean? The phrase, and any phrase similar to it, has absolutely no merit now days. In fact, if you so much as start a sentence with it you should be SLAPPED for attempted bullshitting. It is *97.21% fact that when a person utters that dumbass line, they are lying to the 8th power. Go do some field studies if you don't believe me.
I didn't commit my lunch break to this blog just to vent about people being so upstanding and real. In fact, I just wanted to take the time to introduce you to me. I'm Rickey, yup boring ass name for possibly the greatest mind on this side of the
* according to studies conducted through June 2011
Lmbo! You are hilarious naturally. I love the statistical probability btw. Curious as yo WHAT studies you conducted through June of 2011. Lol smh